Our Sponsorship Program

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​The Quebec Association for the Reprocessing of Medical Devices wishes to raise funds in order to pursue its mission, which attracts the development of expertise related to the reprocessing of medical devices. The AQRDM wishes to increase its visibility and allow its members to deepen their knowledge of reprocessing of medical devices by providing them with an educational and reference platform.


  • Publicize national standards related to the collection, decontamination, disinfection and various reprocessing procedures for medical devices.
  • Develop the technical skills of managers and reprocessors of medical devices.
  • Contribute to updating their knowledge.
  • Be a network for sharing experiences.
  • Participate in scientific research in the reprocessing of medical devices.



  • The AQRDM sponsorship program aims to promote accessibility to industry news while allowing the development of projects such as the annual conference.
  • Corporate and financial methods are developed by the executive committee and their partners.


Our members are all directly or indirectly involved in the reprocessing public, private or dental health system. of medical devices. Either through the public, private or dental health system.